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Deep-Brea3th 2025: 2nd Deep Breast Workshop on AI and Imaging for Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges in Breast Care
The Deep-Breath2025 workstation will provide a discussion forum focused on the topic of AI in breast cancer and aims to promote the development of related research areas, to share insights in academic research and clinical practice among clinicians and AI experts, and explore the opportunities and address potential challenges of AI applications in breast health, thus potentially benefiting doctors and patients. The workshop will publish original papers in all areas related to the AI in breast cancer arena including, but not limited to, the following suggested topics:
Breast imaging (mammography, ultrasound, MRI, PET/CT, H&E, etc.)
Detection, segmentation and classification
Breast cancer screening
Histological characteristics
Medical image registration
Multimodal imaging fusion
Image synthesis
Image reconstruction
Risk assessment and prediction
Treatment response
Drug selection
Lymph node status
Molecular subtypes
Tumor microenvironment
Prediction of cancer recurrence
Reader study
Natural language processing
Federated learning
Swarm learning
Manuscript Preparation and Submission
Submissions may be in two tracks:
Track 1. Full papers: Submissions must be new work. Papers must be submitted electronically in searchable pdf format following the guidelines for authors and LaTeX and MS Word templates available at Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Manuscripts can be up to 8-pages (text, figures and tables) plus up to 2 pages of references. The MICCAI Conference review process is double-blind, i.e. the names of the authors, reviewers, and area chairs are not revealed to each other. Papers must thus be properly anonymized before submission. All submissions will be reviewed by at least three experts with experience of relevance. Accepted papers will be assigned for oral or poster presentation based on review scores, and will be published by Springer Nature as a part of the MICCAI Satellite Events joint LNCS proceedings. For accepted papers, the corresponding/senior authors will need to complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form on behalf of all the authors. Importantly, after review, some papers will be recommended to high-impact partner journals (indexed by SCI).
Track 2. Abstracts: Submissions may be new work or recently published/accepted papers. Abstracts are limited to 2500 characters including spaces, and are to be constructed using the following section headings: Purpose; Materials and Methods; Results; Conclusion. It is recommended that a figure to support your work accompany your submission. Accepted abstracts will be assigned for oral or poster presentation based on review scores, and made publicly accessible on this website.
Submissions for both tracks should be submitted via the CMT system: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DeepBreath2025
Among all the accepted full papers and abstracts, Deep-Breath will give a Best Student Paper award, a Best Workshop Paper award, and a Best Abstract Award, all with electronic certificates.